Nine Facts that help you master new skills easier.
Adopting new skills into your life is never a waste. No matter what profession you are in, learning something new can be beneficial to one’s life financially and socially. So it is important that you know A-Z of what you are in need to study in order to apply in real-world in an effective manner. Below are some simple facts to keep in mind to help one to adopt new skills more efficiently.
This is the key to the entire learning process. Finding value in a particular skill you want to master is essential as the value for you will be the spark for you to keep on going the journey till the end. Learning a skill that you have no interest and value will only drain the energy and the taste out from you.
Study in Groups
Finding a group of colleagues with a common interest in what you do is another effective strategy when mastering something new to you. You will up your knowledge faster as you communicate with them. Questioning, arguing and logical thinking upon subjects and reasoning will aid you to think differently, and change the way you look at things.
As well you can find online communities to get help in general if you publish your inquiries. You will receive feedback from people from various regions, industrial backgrounds, that you can adjust their opinion to suit yours.
Start From Basics
You will come across ones who has mastered it and they will make it look easy to do. The fact that you need to understand is, without a good base, you cannot build a good castle. All the experts in the field had to start from the basics. If you are a programmer for a fact, the first-ever program that you will be asked to code is a “Hello world” program. Regardless of how fundamental it is, that will help to start off.
It is always a good idea to draw diagrams upon the processes of your subject. This is a faster way for your brain to absorb information and overall ideas quicker than only reading the text.
Ask yourself why and how?
Behind every theoretical output, there is a logically proven reason. You will understand concepts best when you find what happens and why that happens. As a simple and a common example, building logic upon a scenario and asking self-questions should look similar as following.
“Balloons filled with helium floats in the air. How does that happen?”
“Is atmospheric pressure a fact? If is, how?”
“If helium gas is lighter than air, what is the weight gap between one cubical meter of air versus one cubical meter of helium?”
“How much weight can a cubical meter of helium lift in an atmosphere filled with air”… etc.
Practice makes perfect
Regardless of what the theories say, you get to deal with more complex dynamic environmental variables that play bigger roles when you want to apply in real-world of what you’ve learnt in theory. Practising is the only way to find these variables, get to know the facts well and output a neat robust product. This way, you can experiment with new things and be creative and unique.
Avoid over repetition
It is a common behaviour of most practitioners that they apply a pre proven, a pre-practised old mechanism to solve their occurring problems. This way they can save a lot of time and cost-wise as well it is economic. But changing the old strategies and investing in inventing a better, newer mechanism can actually be more effective, and can pay off the practitioner in the long term and easy. This is simply to say, be innovative.
Teach and Share
You already know what you have learnt but there may be confusing areas in your studies. Teaching what you know to your colleagues will help you understand the practice even deeper. Especially when your colleagues question you on a topic, you tend to think of it more than you used to think of it while actually studying it. This way, you increase your observation and interpretation skills as well.
Exercise and Sports
Healthy body, healthy mind. Exercising and sports have a great deal with the human brain when it comes to sharp thinking, solving problems, staying active and accurate decision making. Engaging in physical activities are equally required when it comes to fast learning as it also increases the capacity of the brain to absorb more information.
Bonus Fact – Stick to one thing at a time
You may see all sorts of things on the internet, people telling stories of how cool this and that is, how outdated and how new certain things are. As a learner what you shouldn’t be is, being distracted. You need to finish learning this what you want and need to move on if you do not see any potential. They might be correct according to their point of view but, that shouldn’t be in your way when you need to learn something you never knew before. Who knows you would become a pioneer of some real deal just because you worked hard on something and never quit on it?